Seeking autistic arts professionals/volunteers...
​ provide brief reflections on an arts/psychology topic.
I’m writing a chapter for a book about arts and health, and would like to include thoughts from (diagnosed or self-ID) autistic people working or volunteering in the arts (e.g., theatre, creative writing, TV/film, music).
Contributions can be in any form (interview, email etc), named or anonymous.
This is not formal research but it may form the ‘proof of concept’ for a future systematic study. More info will be given to anyone interested.
If you would like to enquire or participate, please get in touch here:​​​
Latest Publications
Turner, R. (2024). Fiction, Empathy and the Material World [Advances in Neuroaesthetics: Narratives and Art as Windows into the Mind and the Brain.] Journal for Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, 47, 3, 16-32.
Turner, R. & Vallée-Tourangeau, F. (2023). Challenges of measuring empathic accuracy: A mentalizing versus experience-sharing paradigm. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62, 972-91.
Turner, R. & Kasperczyk, H. (2022). Space for the unexpected: Serendipity in immersive theatre. In W. Ross & S. Copeland (Eds.), The art of serendipity: insight, innovation and inspiration (pp. 101-25). Palgrave Macmillan.
Previous and Associated Publications
Bardey, A., Medhiratta, U., & Turner, R. (2023). Fashioning the future generation: Generation Z Indian consumers’ attitudes towards Western and Indian Fashion. In F. Brooksworth, E. Mogaji, & G. Bosah (Eds.). Fashion marketing for emerging economies (Vol II): Strategies, tools and insights for fashion brands. Palgrave Macmillan.
​Bardey, A. C., & Turner, R., Piccardi, P. (2022). Bargaining our Emotions: Exploring the lived experience of purchasing luxury fashion counterfeit. Strategic Change, 31, 505-14.
Noon, E. J., & Turner, R. (2022). The European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations Junior Researcher Programme: A reflection from two research project supervisors. PsyPAG Quarterly, 122, 44-7.
Turner, R. & Vallée-Tourangeau, F. (2020). Fiction effects on social cognition: Varying narrative engagement with cognitive load. Scientific Study of Literature, 10, 96-130.
Turner R. & Noon, E. J. (2019). The European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations Junior Researcher Programme: A review from two research project supervisors. PsyPAG Quarterly, 113, 44-6.
Turner, R., & Felisberti, F. (2018). Relationships between fiction media, genre, and empathic abilities. Scientific Study of Literature, 8, 261-92.
Turner, R. & Felisberti, F. M. (2017). Measuring mindreading: A review of behavioral approaches to measuring “theory of mind” in neurologically typical adults. Frontiers in Psychology.
Koch, T., Turner, R., Smith, P. & Hutnik, N. (2010). Storytelling reveals the active, positive lives of centenarians.Journal for Nursing Older People, 22, 31-6.
Koch, T., Smith, P., Turner, R., & Hutnik, N. (2010). Storytelling with UK Centenarians. Guildford, UK: University of Surrey Press.
Invited Talks and Selected Conference Presentations
​Turner, R. (2024). Material engagement in the dynamic relationship between fiction and empathy. Paper presented at the International Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science, Birmingham, UK.
Shah, A-N. & Turner, R. (2023). You are what you wear: The psychology of fashion in medicine. Paper presented at London College of Fashion, London, UK.
Turner, R. (March 2021). Reading other minds: The relationship between fiction and empathy. Goldsmiths University, London, UK.
Turner, R. (December 2020). Preparing for the academic job market. Kingston University Advanced Research Methods Society, Kingston-Upon-Thames, UK.
Turner, R. (June 2019). Fiction and empathy: A multidimensional approach. SOAS, London, UK.
Turner, R. & Vallée-Tourangeau, F. (2019). Immersion in fictional stories and empathic accuracy: Methodological challenges. Paper presented at the British Society of Literature and Science, Surrey, UK.
Turner, R. (2019). Fiction and empathy in the digital age: The effects of digital and non-digital modes of fiction-engagement on empathic abilities. Paper presented at EFPSA, Lithotopos, Greece.
Turner, R. (2018). Associations between fiction media and genre engagement, and empathic traits. Paper presented at the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media, Stavanger, Norway.
Turner, R. & Felisberti, F. M. (2017). Fiction matters: Divergent links between fiction media exposure, genre preferences and social skills. Poster session presented at APA Convention, Washington, DC.
Media Coverage
World News, CV 33 (Dallas), CBS 13 News (Sacramento), PHL17 (Philadelphia), IDN Times (India), New Zealand Herald, The Independent, The Daily Mail, The Metro, The Telegraph, Vita (Greece), Newsbeast (Greece), Kapa News (Greece), Science Daily, Psych Central, Health Medicine Network, Europolitis, Radio Jackie, YourTango, Scarymommy,,, Niestatystyczny (Poland), IFL Science, Goldsmiths University.
Interviews include Belle Vue, BBC, Saga.